supporting, developing and representing community groups,
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering

Supported Volunteering

  • For a variety of reasons some people may require a little bit of extra support to enable them to volunteer. This may because of low confidence or self-esteem, physical or learning disabilities or a number of other issues which are creating barriers to their volunteering. We can provide help to support people into volunteering.

    We offer 2 different, tailored approaches to help those who are just leaving school (16+) and adults.

    16+ Learning Choices - Volunteering as a Positive Destination
    This service is available Fife wide and works specifically with schools and young people to enable volunteering to be offered as a 'Formal Offer' as part of the 16+ learning choices.

    16+ Learning Choices is the new model for ensuring that all young people receive an appropriate, relevant, attractive offer of learning, well in advance of their school leaving date. As such it will facilitate delivery of Curriculum for Excellence entitlements, including support for positive and sustained destinations.

    Offers include staying in school for S5 and S6, going to further or higher education, taking part in one of the national training programmes, or engaging in community learning and development opportunities, including very focused and personalised approaches.

    Volunteering is recognised as an excellent opportunity for young people to develop skills for learning, skills for work and skills for life. It can offer:
    • Opportunities for learning;
    • Access to free training such as moving and handling or food hygiene;
    • Work experience;
    • Work ethos and routine;
    • Opportunity for current references;
    • Opportunity to enhance CVs;
    • An aid to transition from school to a work environment;
    • A boost to confidence and self-esteem.

    We can offer:
    • A tailored programme for the young person;
    • An appropriate volunteering opportunity for the young person with an organisation, charity or statutory agency. Opportunities can include volunteering with children, older people, admin work, befriending, environmental work and more;
    • On-going support for the young person;
    Saltire Awards - certificates, recognition and learning for volunteering.

    For more information please contact us at [email protected] or 0800 389 6046.

This page was last updated on 10 April 2023.
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