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  • Fife Centre for Equalities - Become an Equality Tester

    Created: 25/10/2023
    Please note: This volunteering item was uploaded some time ago and may have expired. Please contact us to find out more.

    News/Events Category: Volunteering

    Help Fife Centre for Equalities improve accessibility in local services by becoming an Equality Tester. Click here to find out more. 

    The Equality Testers Initiative is an opportunity for people who live, work, and study in Fife to help Fife Council improve their services and information so everyone can get the support they need. They are here to assist with accessing the services you need by working with you to reduce any barriers you face because of who you are.

    You can send them feedback about your experiences by completing their simple form as a service user, or you can sign up and be invited to take part in improving services for others, using your own experiences to give insights.

    Each Equality Test carried out supports the service user to meet their needs, develop autonomy, and contribute to continuous improvement of local services.

    As part of this role, volunteers will test and access a range of Fife Council information and services, identifying any barriers or challenges they experienced, as well as offering suggestions on how these can be reduced for the future.

    Who can volunteer? 

    Anyone who is over 18, who lives, works or studies in Fife.

    Find out more during the upcoming Equality Testers Information Sessions

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